delicate Hayley

delicate (adj.): requiring careful handling; easily unsettled or upset…
This photo of Hayley best illustrates this definition of the latest photo Friday challenge. I usually don’t think of Hayley as “requiring careful handling”, (I mean any more than one is usually with a baby) and she really isn’t “easily unsettled or upset”. As my husband describes her “she is a rough and strong baby”. Matter of fact just today I left her wrestling with the toddler with whom she shares her nanny. He was falling all over her and Hayley was just laughing and squealing with joy. However that strong not so easily unsettled or upset Hayley goes out the window the minute my family descends upon her. In their defense or in Hayley’s defense she usually encounters them when she has just woken up from a nap, and they are usually so excited to see her that they all start talking loudly and crowd her in an attempt to give her a hug. “They” being my mom, dad and grandma. This particular visit, Hayley took one look and immediately started to cry. This photo was taken some minutes after the initial outburst, when she realized they were not going away and she was in between being upset and simply enduring their presence. Sometimes she would seem okay with them being there; my mom even got her to smile and my dad even pick her up in his arms. But then as soon as she realized where she was she started to cry all over again. She was definitely in a delicate mood. Eventually she got over it, as was all smiles all the time. As she gets older and more used to family visits this delicate mood doesn’t last long, sometimes it doesn’t surface at all.
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