Hayley's massive thighs

When I saw the theme for Photofriday was massive I immediately thought of Hayley’s thighs. The last couple of months Hayley’s thighs have been a source of amazement for me and my husband, because while she may be a bit of the healthy chubby side with the standard baby double chins and all, it just seems that her thighs in proportion to the rest of her are just so…well massive. My husband pointed out to me only last week she has folds where there are no joint areas. “Look here Stef” he exclaimed “she has a fold here mid-thigh! It’s not near her knee or anything! Why would her skin fold here? “He pondered. “Because they’re fat, babe” I responded happily. I will take massive thighs on my baby over, sad deflated balloon looking thighs any day. Not so long ago that’s what Hayley had. I look at photos of her pre 4-5 months or so, and she looked so thin. It was about that time I was producing less and less milk and started giving her formula. Maybe my mom was right, maybe my milk was bad, or at the very least not enough. I can’t worry about that now. I did the best I could. Anyway, besides Hayley needs those massive thighs to support all the standing she’s been doing lately. Anything she can pull herself up on she’ll use it to stand. Yesterday, I propped up on the stair rail a massive bundle of toilet paper we had gotten from Costco; before I knew it Hayley was scaling the toilet paper, which was taller than her. She looked so cute hugging the mound of toilet paper. This morning I walked in and she was standing in her crib, grinning from ear to ear, as if to say “Look what I can do now Mommy!” Time to lower the crib again. Today Hayley had her 9 month check up and all systems were a go! She’s doing great! She was 20 and half pounds! Although at least half of that was in her thighs.
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