Hayley in darkness

It seems Hayley’s early mornings have not gone away completely. I had thought her previous bout of waking up before dawn was due to her impending cold, but now the cold has subsided and she is still not back to her nice routine of waking up around 7am. Sometimes she’ll sleep until the break of day sometimes not. This photo was taken about 6:30 am, and it was still dark enough in her room for the night light to shine ever so bright. I had just slurped down a cup of coffee and was on my way to the basement to work out, when I heard her cooing upstairs. My husband jokes that these early morning risings are Hayley’s way of preventing me from working out. I was on my way to establishing a nice routine of waking up, eating breakfast, working out for 30 minutes and getting a shower in before Hayley woke up, or at least before she wanted out of her crib. Now I’m lucky to get a cup of coffee and showers are iffy at best. Getting up earlier than 6am is just too painful for me to try. Hopefully, Hayley’s early mornings are just a phase, but if not I guess I have to get a new routine…sigh.
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